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Guess That Movie and Undeciphered Puzzle Winners

Posted: July 31st, 2009 | No Comments »

Here’s an easier way to win a free web hosting and domain from Dreamhost. But before we start this very easy guessing game, I would like to congratulate the winners of the previous contest known as the Undeciphered Puzzle. Two talented and clever bloggers solved the previous mind twisting puzzle. I will give to web hosting accounts because both of them answered correctly at the exact same time.

The contest has ended today and we have a winner.
The answer to the undeciphered puzzle was letter A and the reason is simple. You need to change JPG to PNG, because all of the puzzles are in PNG and that’s what all the hints are pointing to. To Veej and Jen, congratulations for winning! Both of you answered it first, at exactly 3:57 PM, July 24, 2009. Both of you won a Free 2-year web hosting and domain. […]

A nyoker named jehzlau posted this! Continue Reading…

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