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POSITIVE (Short Film) at yourindiefilm.com

Posted: February 20th, 2011 | No Comments »

Last year, I was able to work on my third short film. It was something that I conceptualized after I finished editing my two previous films (Kuya Bunso and The 12th of June). I originally planned to make a five minute ‘infomercial’ that can raise awareness on HIV with no dialogues. I ended up playing with the main characters until it became a 17 minute screenplay.

The cast and crew of 'Positive' after shooting a complicated scene

The story of POSITIVE revolves around Celine Antonio, a young married promiscuous woman who is about to face the consequences of her infidelity. Is this based on a specific true story? Nope, but it is inspired from true events.

Shena Velasquez as Celine in 'POSITIVE'

Playing the lead character in this short film is Shena Velasquez. I first worked with her when she played the role of Liza, the bestfriend of Jade Lopez in ‘The 12th of […]

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