Nyok Nyok » 2010 » September

Cool Glossy Button Tutorial For Your Website

Posted: September 2nd, 2010 | No Comments »

Want some techniques on how to make glossy buttons for a website? This is what you are looking for! As you can see, this article is too long for this kind of tutorial but I am telling you that this is very easy. I just want to teach you the step-by-step process on how to make this kind of button. You can use this style for your professional website whether it has a white or black background.
Tip: Most of the clients want to have high-quality website designs from their designers. To make it more interesting, give them your best work by giving them the freshest idea from you. I hope that this would be a great help to you!
Okay let’s start!
* Adobe Photoshop (Any version can do)
* Creativity
This should be the output of our work.

Step 1: Go to File > New (Fill your desired width and height […]

A nyoker named xsabrina.chic posted this! Continue Reading…