Posted: October 30th, 2009 | No Comments »I have been through a lot… I rant around my blog before… I complain and nag… I cried… I appear to be the victim all the time… I lose myself… I always wanted to be the best… I hate failures… I’d hate myself if I don’t achieve my goal… I drown myself with emotions… cloud myself with tears…
I think I have gone a long way and I think I have changed…
I have learned not to make a big deal about the sad things… I get too jumpy and hyper and happy at the littlest things! I appreciate everything more ,like a simple gumamela flower from a friend… A company from a new friend in an unfamiliar place… The smiles I get when I just pass by people…With this I think I became happier… And other people can see it.
I am not sure if this guy I just met will read […]
A nyoker named Hannah Rika Villasis posted this! Continue Reading…
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