Links for 2012-09-15 []
Posted: September 16th, 2012 | No Comments »Watched an X-Rated movie on a plane by accident: A Travel Exposé
Cathay Pacific was more than an aircraft. In each and every backseat, attached is an LCD screen with wide selection of movies, TV series, shows, and music to choose from. Cozy.
After the safety rules, the plane operator finally switched the screen
Visiting Kota Kinabalu and the island where it lies: A cancelled journey
Last year, I booked plane tickets to Kota Kinabalu twice and was supposed to travel with friends but both didn’t push through due conflict work schedule and I had to back out. During that time, I just got hired in our company and filing vacation
Why should we go on Micro Vacations
Have you heard of micro-vacations? I’ve read an article before about a guy who has been working in a hospital for psychiatric patients who always manage to go on micro-vacations every day off from work to release his stress and […]
A nyoker named Ada posted this! Continue Reading…
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