Nyok Nyok » Blog Archive » Financial Independence?

Financial Independence?

Posted: December 31st, 1969 | No Comments »

Today, I cut up my extension credit card and will start afresh by using a credit card tied to my name. Although I have been faithful in paying my credit card bills, albeit vicariously via my mom, it’s high time I act like adult and handle my finances independently.
My money comes from different sources, a few on paper checks and the bulk is wired to my bank accounts in the Canary Islands. Kidding. Last week, I visited my bank (HSBC) to pay my VERY FIRST credit card bill. How quick and painless it was. With a few keystrokes and a magic wand, the bank lady (who happens to be my cousin lol) wrote off P20,000 from my bank account and voila… we’re done. I’m like, “That’s it?” Apparently. As I drove off I thought to myself, I could do this! But […]

A nyoker named Andrew posted this! Continue Reading…

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