For A Cool Shirt, Stick with Classic Icons
Posted: May 21st, 2011 | No Comments »Novelty shirts are a bona fide mainstay in the “light-hearted options for fewer than 20 bucks” category of gifts. But the overarching category of “novelty, or “cool” (interchangeable) is not itself always a safe bet when choosing the right fit. They come in all sorts of varieties with all sorts of pop culture references (the one unifying factor in all such shirts is the graphical and/or textual shout-out to a facet of popular culture.) Anything from cereal mascots to ancient political campaign slogans can make their way onto a graphic T.
So choosing the right one for a nephew or a brother or a friend can be difficult because you want to make sure it’s not only the right size, but something they’d feel proud to brandish. You can count on the truth being that if they don’t like what’s on the shirt the only time they’re going to wear it […]
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