Nyok Nyok » Blog Archive » iBlog5: The Philippine Blogging Summit Aftermath

iBlog5: The Philippine Blogging Summit Aftermath

Posted: May 12th, 2009 | No Comments »

Just last month, i wrote a blog entry about my experience as a participant at iBlog3 and iBlog4. It was through the blogging summit where i met other bloggers and at the same time learn from the speakers.

Mica and AJ by Arbet

Last Saturday, AJ and I gave a talk on the Basics of Blogging or simply Blogging 101. Ms. Janette asked me if I wanted to speak for the newbies. I was a bit worried since err… I have a slight phobia on speaking onstage. I then realized that this is a perfect chance for me to overcome that fear and at the same time share my  ideas on blogging.

AJ and Mica by Jen Juan

I rejoiced when I found out that AJ, the hottest gay blogger in the world, is my partner for the talk. We were both busy with our respective careers (charot!) that’s why we only managed […]

A nyoker named Micamyx posted this! Continue Reading…

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