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Proud to be Dagupeño: Promoting Dagupan City’s Party Scene

Posted: October 22nd, 2010 | No Comments »

Juxtapose and Bangus Ink, two newly-formed groups in Dagupan City recently organized an event called ‘Proud to be Dagupeno’. It is basically a rave party and outdoor photoshoot event. The organizers composed of young and talented Dagupenos aim to promote our city’s tourism by launching cool events such as this one.


Like what I mentioned on my previous blog post prior to the event, I went there mainly to support my friends. I am also curious to see if they can surpass such challenge (majority of the group members are younger than me). Together with a fellow Pangasinan blogger Josh Uy, I went to Venu Bar that Saturday night to witness this event.

Karl Ballesteros at Work

We arrived at the venue and I saw familiar faces. There’s Alain, who was in-charge of the tickets at the main entrance. Then I saw Stephen Munoz taking pictures and talking to some of the […]

A nyoker named Micamyx posted this! Continue Reading…

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