Reason behind the £40m Budget Cap on Formula 1
Posted: May 17th, 2009 | No Comments »Rationale behind the cost cap.
Believe it or not, the global crisis is once agian the deep culprit of this.  Difficult times would mean that costs spent for the Formula 1 race by the owners and sponsors are much likeley to be just in the “cost-to-cut” list. I think the FIA is worried to have a financially unhealthy track and thought of this budget cap to make the race stable. Though the FIA knows that the roots of the F1 race lies with the team’s freedom to tinker with the technicalities and strategize upon it, they believe that it must be done in a controlled and responsible environment watching innovation flourish within the teams without having to spend much. There are pros and cons to this cap and some of the teams would be happy and some would be not. Would it totally make a difference to the following years’ race?
£40m Cap exclusions:
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