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Variety in my NESTLÉ FITNESSE Program

Posted: September 3rd, 2012 | No Comments »

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Since I’ll be doing the NESTLÉ FITNESSE 14-Day Program, I must think of a way to add variety to my cereal which I will take twice a day for the rest of the 14 days.
First of all, the NESTLÉ FITNESSE cereals come with different flavors.  So, I can work on alternating flavors for one.
Second, I can incorporate more flavor to my cereal by adding fruits, using soy milk and dark chocolate bits, the list is endless!  My favorite has always been the original NESTLÉ FITNESSE flakes, milk, good bananas and mango
Healthy ways to make your NESTLÉ FITNESSE 14-Day Program more interesting:

Add fruits to your cereal.  Like I said, banana and mango are my favorite fruits to add to my cereal.


Add nuts to your cereal. Try almonds, pistachios and […]

A nyoker named Hannah posted this! Continue Reading…

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