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It’s a great time once again!

Posted: January 16th, 2012 | No Comments »

For a tropical country like the Philippines, it’s just amazing to find a towering and blinking pine tree adorned with colorful balls and danglings in almost every home. “It’s more fun in the Philippines!” as they say. Christmas season in the country is the longest and the most festive among the various celebrations in the entire year. It is the season wherein everyone seemed to be very nice and in their best mood. It’s like no one is allowed to be rude during this time that even your worst enemy can become your best friend. It’s a great time to have major family reunions with lots of gift giving. It is a trademark during the event and Christmas parties can happen almost everyday depending on how many social groups you have. It is the time of the year that you will be spending the most and you’re okay […]

A nyoker named jehzlau posted this! Continue Reading…

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