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The Usual Yearly Recap

Posted: January 2nd, 2011 | No Comments »

2010 was a great year. 2011 will be another great year. As usual, this post is another recap of the year that was. A sequel of my yearly year-end posts. I only made 13 blog posts last year. I almost quitted blogging, but everyone knew that it was a joke. It was partly true and I really intended to quit. If it wasn’t for my friends and readers who encouraged me to continue what I started, I’m not writing this post right now.

I traveled a lot last year, visited several Asian countries for the first time. I bought a myriad of white elephants. Had a skinhead haircut (no. 3 in the barber’s code). Spent a lot, but earned a lot more. I earned more than twice than I earned in just one month last year compared to the year before last year.
I made my first font inspired by my handwritten […]

A nyoker named jehzlau posted this! Continue Reading…

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